King Size
We take pride in offering customers throughout North America a great selection of products that meet each individual markets needs. King Henry’s King Size line offers well over 100 different items in it s King Size bag line:
Trail Mixes and Dried Fruit | Confections | Specialty Snacks | Nuts and Seeds | Hispanic Items
Our King Size line offers a selection of quality Nuts, Trail Mixes, Candy, Toys, and Hispanic items that is the best in the industry. The size, variety, and taste of each item will satisfy the consumers who demand the best. Our packaging is designed to give a clear view of the quality product inside the bag, and includes a high impact graphics printed on a wide variety color header cards that drive impulse sales and repeat sales.

Private Reserve
Quality is the first ingredient in each bag of Our All Natural product line. Each item offered is the result of carefully researching and then selecting ingredients of only the highest quality. Our ALL NATURAL items include Trail Mixes with Anti Oxidants, Nuts, Natural Chocolate and Yogurt covered products, and Natural Candy. With a growing selection of over 30 different All Natural items we are recognized as the supplier that can meet ALL of your Natural product needs. Each item comes in a reclosable bag, that has high impact graphics and a large display window that shows off the great quality of contents of the bag.
Our Natural bags also have a gusset bottom that allows the product stand alone and be merchandised on a shelf, or displayed on a peg. Anti Oxidant Mix, Blueberry Yogurt Raisins, and Dark Chocolate Almonds are a few of our unique flavors that will increase your sales! Truly a great tasting product with above average margins!